2. 企業情報
  3. ESG/SDGs
  4. ESG/SDGs


About eBASE Group Sustainability (ESG/SDGs)

The eBASE Group improves the social value and financial value of the eBASE Group by solving social issues through business activities that embody the corporate philosophy of “(1) Contribution → (2) Profit → (3) Continuation (sustainability)” and is permanent. We will contribute to the sustainable development of society by realizing corporate management.

International Goals for 2030 SDGs
Sustainable social development

The eBASE Group supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Message from the President of eBASE CO., Ltd.

Since its founding, eBASE Co., Ltd. has set the corporate philosophy of “no profit without contribution, no continuation without profit, no contribution without continuation/Sustainability”.
We believe in contributing to society through our business. In recent years, social issues have become more serious, and the international community is aiming to achieve the SDGs.
We believe that corporate activities that return to this belief will become even more important.
The digital platform for exchanging product information provided by our company not only improves operational efficiency within and between companies in various industries, but also improves operational efficiency.
We will also improve the living environment for consumers.
In particular, delivering the safety and security of food and products to consumers is one of the sustainable development goals of the SDGs, “3. Good health and well being.”
It is our corporate philosophy itself that realizes.
By continuously providing high-quality software products and cloud services for IT solutions and digital contents
We will solve social issues and increase corporate value through DX (Digital Transformation) and OMO (Online Merges with Offline).
Going forward, we will continue to strive to strengthen ESG as sustainability, and through corporate activities in collaboration with various stakeholders.

We will contribute to the achievement of SDGs.

eBASE integrated product Database(English) >
Middleware eBASE(English) >

eBASE Co., Ltd.
Takao Iwata

Main stakeholders of eBASE Group

The eBASE Group’s corporate activities are based on relationships with various stakeholders.
We will place importance on dialogue with stakeholders surrounding the eBASE Group, deepen awareness of expectations and social issues from society, and contribute to the realization of a safe, secure and sustainable society through all corporate activities.

eBASE Group’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Initiatives

The SDGs are the 17 international goals for a sustainable and better world by 2030, as set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015.

The eBASE Group selects eight goals in its business activities to contribute to the future and realize new growth of its own group through its efforts on SDGs, and promotes and contributes to businesses that contribute to solving social issues.

In particular, we will realize a paperless world in society by developing our business based on digital technology. By this IT business activity, deforestation will be suppressed, CO2 emissions will be reduced, and efforts will be made to prevent global warming.
We will promote “13. CLIMATE ACTION”.

Social contribution
through business

Food safety and security information management software

Optimization of food product information exchange for the purpose of “food safety and security”, which is a social issue, traceability of food-related companies, and accountability, We are aiming for continuous realization. We are working to build and promote an efficient food product information exchange environment in the supply chain of the entire food industry, including local SMEs. Free distribution of “eBASE Jr.” to the supply chain as a freemium model, raw materials, place of origin, storage method, genetic recombination information, By building and providing a digital platform that creates, collects, and discloses accurate information on nutritional components such as allergens, additives, and calories, We continue to provide health support by providing food safety and security to all.
“3. Good health and well being” and “9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE”, It also contributes to the goal of ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns in “12. Responsible Production and Consumption”.

FOODS eBASE (Japanese) >

Chemical substance information / product environmental information management database system

Companies need to take seriously the impact on the human body and the environment with respect to the “things” they produce. “Management of information on chemical substances contained in products” is necessary to tackle European RoHS, REACH, ELV Directive, Japanese domestic J-Moss and other environmental regulations.
In addition, from “upstream companies” such as chemical manufacturers to “midstream companies” of parts and material manufacturers, and “downstream companies” of assembly product manufacturers, there is a need for consistent information management in the supply chain. In “GREEN eBASE”, those companies are in their respective positions developed to realize a common supply chain platform that can collect, manage, and provide “environmental information on products and products”, as database system for managing chemical substance information and product environment information.
This “GREEN eBASE” streamlines the management of information on chemical substances contained in products.
We continue to provide environmental protection and health support by providing product safety and security to all.
In addition, we are continuously working on a solution that can be used for data collection and management such as carbon footprint that traces greenhouse gas (Co2) emissions as well as chemical substances.
This business activity also contributes to “3. Good health and well being”, “9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE”, and “12. Responsible Production and Consumption”.

GREEN eBASE (Japanese) >

Platforms such as “Shozai Ebisu”

Promote standardization of product information exchange between companies by various industries such as food, daily miscellaneous goods, pharmaceuticals, home appliances, housing, stationery, tools, etc., and provide the product data pool service “Shozai Ebisu”. this is one of the largest products information database in Japan.
As a digital product information content provider, we are promoting DX (Digital Transformation) support for our business activities in the B2B business.
Similar to “FOODS eBASE” and “GREEN eBASE”, this business activity also includes “3. Good health and well being”, “9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE” and “12. Responsible Production and Consumption”, In addition to for the housing industry, we are also working on “11. Sustainable Cities and Communities” by providing “Jutaku Ebisu”.

Shozai Ebisu (Japanese) >

eShoku Navi” Consumer Health Support App

We provide information on nutrients and allergies of all ingredients that everyone eats and drinks, and provide health support according to the individual needs of consumers as a free smartphone app. We also offer a free food health quiz app “eShoku quiz” aimed at raising health awareness. By utilizing “FOODS eBASE” and “”Shozai(Shokuzai) Ebisu””, we are promoting SDGs initiatives for consumers as part of our social contribution.

eShoku Navi (Japanese) > eShoku quiz (Japanese) >

eSumai Navi” Consumer Manual Management App

We provide a free smartphone app that allows you to digitize (paperless) and manage manuals, pamphlets, etc. for housing equipment and home appliances purchased by consumers. This makes it possible to reduce the number of instruction manuals, manuals, and pamphlets that require a huge amount of paper. Through this business activity, we are promoting “11. Sustainable Cities and Communities” in cooperation with the housing industry.

eSumai Navi (Japanese) >

Dissemination of eBASE integrated product Database to the market

On the premise of improving corporate productivity, we are promoting a significant reduction in the amount of paper used by promoting the digitization of paper catalogs and paper leaflets (paperless).
In addition, we are promoting the paperless operation of in-house documents such as in-house approval documents by applying “Middleware eBASE” to general affairs operations for purposes other than product information management.
We will realize a paperless world by spreading eBASE user inside and outside the company. In this business activity, we will strive to control deforestation, reduce CO2 emissions, and prevent global warming, and promote “13. CLIMATE ACTION”.

eBASE integrated product Database(English) > Middleware eBASE(English) >

Diversity in working styles

In the IT service industry to which the eBASE Group belongs, securing human resources is the most important issue for business continuity. We will actively promote the creation of a work environment that supports diverse work styles so that human resources with various backgrounds can continue to play an active role.

Promotion of diversity

Diverse work styles so that various human resources can play an active and continuous role regardless of gender, seniority, nationality, race, religion, thought, disability, etc. We will promote the creation of a work environment that supports people.

e-learning remote education TOOL

We believe that education of system development skills is extremely important. We utilize e-learning content to provide equal educational opportunities. Information security education is also provided by e-learning for all employees.
Online education by “telework” is also possible for these educational programs. Educational methods are also evolving using digital technology in line with the diversification of working environments.

Seven Lucky Gods System
Operates a full welfare system

For the purpose of improving employees’ motivation to continue working and improving work-life balance, we are operating the “Seven Lucky Gods System” as a general term for the welfare programs newly introduced in the last few years.
The “Seven Lucky Gods system” covers a wide range of areas, including the compensation system introduced below, encouragement to take consecutive holidays, and childcare support.

【Bonuses / rewards & asset formation】
Ebisuten bonus (settlement bonus), Daikokuten compensation system (Continuation service fee), Benzaiten compensation system (Business contribution fee), Fukurokuju system (New Year’s present), Bishamonten pension (Defined contribution pension)

【Vacation system】
Jurojin Holidays (9 consecutive holidays acquisition incentive system)

【Childcare support allowance】
Hoteison allowance (childcare support allowance)

Seven Lucky Gods System (Japanese) >

Introduction of telework system

Telework, also known as teleworking, is a system that allows you to work outside the office of your company. We have introduced a telework system so that we can continue our business even if it is difficult to commute to work in the event of an infectious disease epidemic or a disaster. This system can be used on a daily basis, such as the circumstances of each employee and the desire to work while raising children or providing long-term care.

Social contribution activities

The eBASE Group is developing “social contribution activities” for the development of culture, art, and sports.

※Reprinted from ART SETOUCHI official website

Sponsored the SANUKI X GAME

This is the only gaming festival in Kagawa Prefecture, which began in 2021. Aiming to create a city where games and daily life are integrated, the annual ‘Game Festival’ known as ‘S.X.G’ is held in the shopping district of Takamatsu. Even as times change, it continues to provide a place where young people can take the lead and become key players, fostering connections between young people and this city.

SANUKI X GAME (Japanese)

Sponsored the Setouchi Triennale

“ART SETOUCHI” is a general term for activities aimed at regaining the vitality of the region and revitalizing it through the “Setouchi Triennale” held every three years and the art that is undertaken during that period. Because “ART SETOUCHI” is behind the Setouchi Triennale, we can create a connection and create new events that cannot be seen in other areas, leading to the “restoration of the sea.”

Setouchi Triennale

Sponsored the Kagawa Marugame International Half Marathon

It is one of Japan’s most historic marathons, held for 75 years from the first marathon of its predecessor, the Kagawa Marathon, and is an international half marathon in which top athletes from Japan and overseas participate.

Kagawa Marugame International Half Marathon (Japanese)

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